3D Massage Chair - Model: A33 - Beige
Descriptions :
3D Zero Gravity Massage Chair designed with a set of vertically movable, four-wheel driven muted intelligent 3D massage hands.
Automatically check the shoulder position, body curve and massage points and makes micro adjustments according to the body curve and massage points, automatically adjusts the massage hands forward and backward so as to make it more humanistic and scientific.
Designed with four special automatic massage functions: Ease, Comfort, Ache cure and Recovery from fatigue.
Automatic massage for the upper body (The shoulder and neck & the back and waist).
Manual massage for the upper body with three options: overall, partial and fixed point options; Six massage methods: knocking, kneading, flapping, shiatsu and synchronous kneading & flapping and 3D, with five levels of speed adjustable respectively. In the state of flapping and shiatsu, the width between the two kneading balls is adjustable with five levels.
Air pressure massage for Neck and shoulder; Air pressure massage for arms,with three air pressure intensity options.
Air pressures massage for the lower body, with three position options and three air pressure intensity options.
Sole roller massage; Back-waist twist; Swing Hip Function; Calf stretch.
Equipped with MP3 player and earphone. MP3 player functions: Play, Stop,Previous One, Next One, Volume Up and Volume Down.
Heating function in the back, with carbon fiber as infrared heat emitter.
Foot extend-retract within 21cm
The calf rest can be lifted and stretched; The backrest can be lifted.
Automatically sits up and restore the massage hands when shut off the machine.
VFD displayer.
Features :
Model number A-33
Basic Features in comparative form :
3D Four Roller Zero Gravity Massage
Body Detecting Function : Yes
Number of Massages : 6
Shiatsu : Yes
Kneading : Yes
Flapping : Yes
Combination of Kneading and Flapping : Yes
Knocking : Yes
3D Massage : Yes
Manual Massage for upper body , Overall , Partial , fixed Point Option : Yes
Speed Adjustments : 5
Number of Airbags : 90
Width : In the state of flapping and shiatsu , the width between
The two kneading balls is adjustable with five levels
Electronic Remote Stand Adjustable : Yes
Electronic Intensity control : Yes
Electronic Inclination : Yes
Arm Massage : Yes
Back and Waist Twist : Yes
Hip Swing : Yes
Calf Stretch : Yes
Foot extension – Retraction : 21 cm
Massage of Feet and Arches : Yes
Heating Function : Yes
Audio Headphones with volume control : Yes
MP3 player : Yes
Synchronised music : Yes
Model : A-33
Net Weight : 142 kg
Shipping Weight : 150 kg
Length : 189 cm
width : 98 cm
Height : 77.5 cm
Quick Overview
- Long sleeves with single button cuffs.
- Cuffs can be rolled up and secured with button-tabs.
- Standing collar with notched detailing.
- Front button placket.
- Hem is longer in back.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec turpis. Fusce aliquet lorem vitae est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus iaculis facilisis pede. Fusce vulputate elit non magna. Nunc commodo rhoncus dolor. Integer auctor. Aliquam tincidunt purus id mauris. Vivamus eros. Vestibulum velit libero, dapibus ac, consectetuer dignissim, adipiscing sed, libero. Ut mi metus, tempor eget, aliquet sit amet, euismod ut, est. Sed nec leo eu lacus laoreet venenatis. Praesent massa sem, facilisis quis, mollis non, consequat et, sapien. Vestibulum dui sapien, sollicitudin ut, hendrerit id, cursus sed, eros. Aliquam eu purus. Proin iaculis. Vestibulum elementum metus sed ipsum. Integer facilisis. Donec aliquam ligula eu neque. Etiam urna.
Cras pretium fringilla nibh. Duis posuere. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque semper. Ut quis arcu. Integer ac nulla. Ut auctor. Pellentesque scelerisque nisl in tortor. Integer eget purus. Ut volutpat, neque eu tincidunt tincidunt, justo tortor pretium elit, vitae varius mauris arcu a lectus. Phasellus bibendum pretium urna. Donec non quam in augue molestie congue. Aenean metus diam, volutpat vitae, tristique id, porttitor a, elit. Cras bibendum, augue non pulvinar aliquam, est nulla posuere nunc, gravida gravida magna leo nec arcu. Donec arcu mi, pellentesque quis, placerat quis, egestas id, leo. Morbi urna est, convallis eget, tristique at, egestas a, lectus.
Proin ullamcorper bibendum tellus. Donec vel ipsum sit amet mi convallis lacinia. Maecenas non nunc bibendum orci commodo aliquam. Integer vel justo. Sed vestibulum semper mi. Vestibulum tincidunt leo at augue. Morbi ut justo. Sed cursus, lorem nec lobortis blandit, urna nisl rhoncus erat, id vulputate dui sem sed erat. Sed velit diam, pretium in, hendrerit non, eleifend ut, nisi. Nullam at risus. Donec vitae tellus ut tellus dictum adipiscing. Sed nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam condimentum, odio at rhoncus cursus, dolor lacus malesuada est, in pulvinar arcu justo ultricies justo. Ut sagittis luctus dui.
Maecenas fringilla diam fermentum ante. Vivamus tempor, sem vitae semper aliquam, arcu nunc pretium quam, vitae auctor sapien dolor ut lorem. Integer eros. Sed pulvinar mi eu tortor. Pellentesque faucibus neque eu erat. Nullam pulvinar, urna vitae elementum malesuada, tortor lectus consequat nulla, in pharetra augue lacus et odio. Donec enim nulla, lacinia sed, interdum non, laoreet ut, nisi. Quisque posuere, purus id pretium luctus, dui ligula porttitor neque, vitae consequat sem arcu posuere metus. Duis dictum convallis ipsum. Nulla mi.
Vestibulum sit amet arcu a leo dignissim lobortis. Quisque augue neque, adipiscing id, condimentum eu, congue at, pede. Vivamus rhoncus. Aliquam pulvinar justo et ligula. Pellentesque ligula elit, placerat vel, luctus ac, facilisis et, enim. Nulla malesuada venenatis metus. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt diam. Ut et pede. Cras ante. Maecenas sagittis mi vulputate neque. Aenean dignissim justo non lectus. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas enim lorem, lacinia non, bibendum at, varius consectetuer, ipsum. Fusce ut lacus in nulla rutrum pellentesque. Nunc velit. Vestibulum eleifend porta risus. Cras congue volutpat leo. Nam nec mi quis libero placerat ultrices. Nulla massa velit, scelerisque sed, rutrum in, sollicitudin nec, mi. Pellentesque imperdiet laoreet sapien.